Cornbury Annual General Meeting April 9 2013
700 pm
ABC Restaurant
Meeting called by: Sharon Valmont
Type of meeting: Annual General meeting
Facilitator: Sharon Valmont
Note taker: Sharon Valmont
Timekeeper: Sharon Valmont
Joy, Gail Kelly,Diane Jennifer Robyn Beatrice Corey Anne Stephanie Kay Bonnie
Please read: financial report
Please bring:
Agenda item: nomination for president
Presenter: Sharon Valmont
Discussion: President of the society to be replaced or maintained
Sandra Findlay nominated Sharon in absentia Stephanie seconded the motionvote taken unanimous – no abstentions
Conclusions: Sharon will remain as president of the Cornbury Society for the next year 2013/14
Agenda item: Esprit Committee members from Esprit
Presenter: Sharon Valmont
Discussion: 3 active members from Cornbury to participate with esprit planning
Sharon Valmont as president by default, – Stephanie Mitchell to remain on board for the next year.Robyn showed interest – Joy Stevens nominated Robyn to fill the third position on the Esprit commitee Sharon Valmont seconded – vote taken 10 in favor
Conclusions: Robyn will join Sharon and Stephanie in the Esprit planning commitee
Action items
Introduction of Alumnea for Cornbury but that is already addressed
change the default setting for the public view of page postings Stephanie
Agenda item: financial statement Presenter: Jennifer
after membership dues po box website fees
Conclusions: balance of account 389.00
Action items Person responsible Deadline
ü signatories at the bank need to Change. Sharon Valmont
ü Jacqueline Allen needed to be removed
ü Stephanie needs to make name change there
ü Sharon Valmont needs to be added the signing list.
Agenda item: Events upcoming Presenter: Sharon Valmont
Vancouver public library presentation – Pride weeks for Vancouver/surrey and New west4th Tuesday of the month opened to those who wish to attend at the pacific Inn for dinner and drinks social gathering will add these to the event calendar
Genderfest events Sharon will follow up with Pusi Liqr with genderfest to find events Cornbury could attend.
Action items
Stephanie to provide more website access for sharon to monitor results
results from social and promotional campaigns
Home for cornbury still in progress – reasons for thsi was to provide
better accessibility for closeted members and a open door for our group The location that was in progress is cost prohibitive and could not fit with Catherine white Holman wellness center and their expansions.
Meeting concluded and ajourned at 9:30 pm