A Post is an entry in your Blog. Think of it as a page in your diary, except that it’s online, and (usually) anyone can read it.
You must be logged in as a paid-up Cornbury member in order to create a post. Do this:
- In the pink menu bar, click Blogs > Post an Entry.
- In the resulting screen, create your post. Enter a title, then enter the body of your post. There’s a toolbar with some handy formatting tools for bold and italic and such.
- Posts are publicly readable by default. If you want to restrict it to members only, click Members Only in the Categories box at the right of the screen.
- When you’re done, find the blue Publish button (its location varies depending on your screen size) and click it.
- You can still make changes. If you do, the Publish button changes to Update.
That’s it. A short version of your post will now appear on the site’s home page. Click it to read it in its entirety.
Pro tip: if you’re logged in and want to edit your own post, click on it to read it, then look towards the bottom for this: